We execute works supervision: Technical and administrative supervision of construction contracts with the objective that the works are built according to the project in terms of scope, time, cost, and quality.



Registry of Entities Authorized to Develop Mine Closure Plans R.D. N° 202-2016-MEM/DGAAM.

Mining Contractor Registration R.D. N° 0027-2016-MEM/DGM.

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Monitoring and

Quality Control

  • Monitoring and quality control of the works, control of the physical progress of the work and other activities involved in the construction.



  • We accompany in an integral and continuous way in the development of your projects throughout its different stages. Through the processes of initiation, planning, monitoring, and control and closure, which are aligned to the good practices of Project Management (PMI).


Execution of conceptual engineering

  • We know and execute the conceptual engineering, the basic engineering, and the detailed engineering in its different specialties (structural civil, architecture, electrical, sanitary, fire safety and evacuation).


Construction Supervision

  • We perform construction supervision: Technical and administrative supervision of construction contracts with the objective that the works are built according to the project in terms of scope, time, cost, and quality.

Project Management and Supervision

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